Face recognition using Haar features of similarity by OpenCV and Raspberry Pi

14 сентября 2018
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Контактные данные автора публикации Воронкин Р.А., Тохчуков А.Х., Соколов М.К. СКФУ кафедра ИБАС 8 (8652) 95-65-46 zik@ncstu.ru
Ссылка на публикацию в интернете infocom.iitt.ncfu.ru/program.html drive.google.com/file/d/0B7TuI829uF2JQ2FjQnlzNUFzdUU/edit?pli=1


As the title implies the article describes one of the ways of face recognition. It is spoken in detail how to use Open CV for face recognition. Should be men-
tioned that the algorithm used in the article it’s Haar like features of similarity. Much attention is given to installing components on Raspberry Pi, it means that
this article can be used as instruction for creating face recognition system. Pay your attention that all components used in project are relatively cheap or free to use. Electronic com-ponents consume little power.
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